Welcome to the

Great Bay Radio Association

ARRL Special Service Club Badge
ARRL Affiliate club logo

Event News

Rochester Holiday Parade

Date:  12/8/2024 (rain: 12/9/2024)
Time: 1100L to about 1700L final time will be shorter.
Where:  Meet up at the parking next to the pool.  

Reason:  As in years past, we are needed to secure the assembly area of the Rochester  Parade.  

This year we will have a designated drop off area for people dropping off someone or something for the parade.  

Next Meeting

Monthly Meetings...

Great Bay Radio Assoc Meeting

Monthly on the second Monday.  The next meeting will be on Monday January 13, 2025  7pm – 8:30pm 
Rochester Community Center
150 Wakefield street
Rochester, NH  03867
Community Room.  Talk in help on 147.570 MHz simplex.  
Holiday Party.  Set up starts at 6:30pm.

GBRA News...

What's New:

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